Hunter is 27.5 inches long and 16.5 lbs. Getting bigger and stronger everyday! He isn't quite crawling yet but definitely scooting and rolling around, grabbing everything he can get his hands on! He loves to stand and jump in his jolly jumper. He has 4 teeth two on top and two on the bottom all in 4 weeks!
Hunter absolutely loves his puppy Kobi and laughs at the sight of him. Even when he is crying one glimpse of kobi and everything is all better! He loves his oatmeal cereal we are still working on other foods but he is getting more and more interested in solids as the days go on :) This little boy puts a smile on our faces everyday!
Hunter received a gift from my friend Charlie, flapper jacks PJ's are so cute I can't resist his little bum haha!
Watching daddy play basketball!
Daddy loves me!
Someone is teething!!
Look Mom I'm rolling!!!
Cousin Beckett showing Hunter how to play his games on his iPad.
His first ride in the shopping cart like a big boy!
We had a long day at the hospital at the cleft clinic. Hunter had his shots a few days before and then on the day at the hospital had some blood drawn for his next surgery in March. We were tired!!!
Hunter met Santa!! Not to sure about him, haha!