Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hunter's 1st Christmas!

Well, Chirstmas has come and gone and so has the New Year! Everything happened so fast yet in reality we celebrated Christmas for almost a whole month!

On December 15, Kelly, Hunter and I flew to Vancouver Island to celebrate an early Christmas with my family in Qualicum Beach. It was a great 10 day trip! It was Hunter's first airplane ride and both ways he flew amazingly! On the way there he was asleep the entire time!

In the Calgary International Airport getting ready to board. 

We went and visited my Opa a few times during our trip at Dufferin Place in Nanaimo! Hunter loves his Great Opa!

Hunter played a lot on the kitchen floor in my parents house!

Hunter and Daddy!

Kelly and myself at Parksville Beach, Hunter was there but he was asleep in his stroller. It was surprisingly chilly that day at the beach. The wind was blowing and waves were rolling! We are used to pretty cold temperatures in Calgary but the damp cold on the island was pretty chilly!

This is Pepper the cat, Hunter absolutely LOVED him! Pepper on the other hand, wasn't too sure about Hunter.

Sitting and waiting patiently for his food in his chair. 

We drove down to Victoria for one day to visit a friend and her fiancé. She is due with a baby girl on Hunter's Birthday, March 9! Super fun! We are so excited for them! This is Hunter driving, ha, just kidding. I went into a gas station and Daddy let him get behind the wheel while they waited for me! 

Santa Baby waiting for his gifts to open. It was really hot by that fire. Hunter was getting a little hot and rosy cheeked so he was stripped. 

Merry Christas Mommy and Daddy! The best gift we could have ever gotten is this little man! We are so blessed!

We did a lot of relaxing while we were on the island. We watched the entire series of Downton Abby while we were there. Season 1, 2 and 3 and it is safe to say we are hooked!

Hunter and daddy sleeping! Well Daddy is sleeping, Hunter not so much!

Hunter and Uncle Drew! They are pretty good buddies!

Downton Abby naps with Daddy. Pretty happy boy!

Hunter loved the paper bags and wrapping paper!

Spending some time with Great Oma!

Our trip came to an end on Chirstmas Eve. This is us waiting at the Comox Airport for our flight back to Calgary.

Saying bye to Oma!

We have a very good flyer on our hands!

Christmas Day, we spent the day at Kelly's parents house!
We relaxed by the fire and went for a sleigh ride, opened presents and relaxed some more :) 

Playing in a box!

My little boy! When did he get so big! This year is just flying by!

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